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Commonwealth Honors Program

Honors Contract Expectations for Students

As a student, this is what you're agreeing to when entering your Honors Contract:


  • Develop a research topic in consultation with faculty member and create a work schedule, including regular meetings with the faculty member.
  • Complete an Honors Contract Form with proper spelling and grammar, signed by you and your instructor, and deliver to the Honors Program (MMW207 or FWil204) by the deadline.
  • Write an abstract (200-250 words, ideally) detailing the research question and why you are looking into that topic, as well as how you plan to approach the research (what types of sources, methodology, etc.).
  • Do your research and create a suitable research product in keeping with the discipline’s standards (often a 10- to 15-page research paper with at least 8 scholarly sources following the discipline’s source citation style).


Note: Attendance is mandatory for Honors course and Honors contract students.

  • Prepare a poster presentation for the Honors Reception, using the PowerPoint template provided. The poster must be reviewed and approved by the instructor.  If the Honors Reception will be held in person, the poster materials must be delivered to the Honors Program ( or one week before the Reception.
  • Earn at least a B grade in the class and on the research project (not part of the class grade).

Additional Opportunities

  • Honors Scholars are encouraged to join the Honors Club, a student club that focuses on mind-body connections and supports on- and off-campus events and programs such a Trivia Night and guided hikes.
  • Scholars may also participate in the state-wide Commonwealth Honors Program student council, helping to shape Honors programs.
  • Scholars who wish to present their research at the Undergraduate Research Conference at UMass Amherst are more than welcome to do so – CCCC will cover registration and transportation to/from the conference in April.

Honors Contract Expectations for Faculty

As a faculty member at 4Cs, these are the expectations when entering an Honors Contract with a student:

  • Discuss with your students the possibility of completing an Honors Contract.
  • Discuss possible research topics with interested students.
  • Develop a meeting schedule with student(s) to discuss progress and keep students on track.
  • Review the Honors Contract (Are research question and expectations clear? Grammar? Spelling?), and sign contract. Payment for completed contracts is processed after final grades are submitted.
  • Check in with student(s) on progress.
  • Review and approve abstract before student sends it to Honors Program.
  • Review and approve poster before student sends file to Honors Program.
  • Review rough drafts of research product.
  • Grade final product and send a clean copy of the paper/product (no comments except grade for the work) to the Honors Program (Kate MMW207 or Cindy FWil204) by the last day of classes.
  • Put through the student’s course grade as usual.

Contact the Honors Program

For any inquiries about the Commonwealth Honors Program, contact our Honors Program Coordinator:

Kate Martin, Honors Program Coordinator

Phone: 774.330.4665


Location: MM Wilkens 207 (Professor Martin) or Frank Wilkens 204 (Cindy Pavlos, Honors program assistant)